Savefile from season 1 is nowhere to be found, were is it stored? Also, I am having an issue unlocking scene that comes after the "Photos" and before "Zoes game" items in the scene gallery (first item om second row on the second page)
What is the scene and what am I missing?
It's difficult to find good walk through pdfs for this game!
when in installed and finish the season 2, i came back to the season 1 and realize that all my unlocked gallery is now locked again. is it supposed to be like dat?
Can I delete the file of the season 1 if I already finished the newest update of season 2 chapter 5 or will it delete some of the data from season 1 for season 2?
Oh, I also noticed a mistake in the last scene. There is a shot where if you're not on the Emma path, she is still in the last part of the scene on the up close of the climax.
I enjoy this game. I just can't get behind the Natalie scenes. It also seems like she was made to look way older than I think she's supposed to be. If her and Anna are both in their 40's, she didn't age well. How old is she supposed to be anyhow?
When the game starts and we are still Paul, he mentions that he got married at 38. If his children are 18 we can assume that both Paul (if he were still alive) and Natalie are in their 50's now
As soon as I started playing this game, I was hooked, and kept on playing until Emma and Ruby tried to frame the MC as a sex offender for having the audacity to be better than them at sports, and he finds it endearing. I lost complete interest. Up until then, I had been eagerly anticipating the next turn of events, and as soon as that happened, I was clicking out of the game.
You have been nothing but a nice guy to these bitches, and they seriously try to frame you as a sex offender?! Nope, not interested in being the slave to evil, sadistic, spoiled bitches, even in a game. Had there been an option for the MC to let these bitches know that framing a guy for a felony because you're jealous he's better than you at sports, is NOT a valid retaliation, and if any of them ever want to have any relationship with MC again, they had better make it up to MC, I might have kept my interest, but the MC barely even mentions it to these bitches, and has forgiven them even before he is out of danger of being imprisoned for years thanks to their evil, sadistic, spoiled natures. He even rewards them for it!
Too bad, it was an enjoyable game up until that point, but trying to frame someone as a sex offender as revenge for losing at sports, is not an acceptable behaviour, not even in a game, and it should have major impact on the story, not be portrayed as 'just cutesy-girly-teasing" and rewarded. IRL, MC could be facing up to 20 years in prison, be forced to register as a sex offender, and basically have his entire life ruined before he turns 20, simply because some bitches were jealous of being beaten at sports. Yes, it is a game, it is a fantasy, but when several of the characters try to frame you as a sex offender, even in a fantasy, it should have major consequences for the story, and your relationship(s) with those who did it, not just be a minor incident.
I don't remember any of this actually happening in the game, so you either mixed up the story of another game or you interpreted things in a different way than I meant.
The only thing I can think of is the pool scene, where the girls take off his swimming trunks as a joke, but it has nothing to do with being better at sports. In any case, if our protagonist had been in trouble, the girls would have confessed that it was their fault. They would never wish anything bad for the protagonist
Yeah, that scene is kind of iffy. I remember it being close to a dealbreaker.
The girls' complete lack of consideration for the consequences he might face is quite offputting and cost them a lot of sympathy. Whether they intentionally put him at risk or just didn't care to think about how their actions might affect him makes little difference, both are revolting.
Even if you ignore the possibility of being mistaken as sex offender, they forcefully exposed him in public against his will. That's sexual assault, along with a number of other offenses. This is made worse by the fact he would not get away with such behavior. I can't really see a way to justify that even if they were to "fess up" about their involvement.
You can't blame him for evaluating the scene based on the events that objectively happen. If anything, you misjudged the severity of that "joke", and did not manage to strike the tone you were trying to. That scene might be worth reevaluating.
I remember getting to Chapter 10, but I don't remember if the scene in the pool at the gym where Emma and Ruby try to frame you as a sex offender happens in that chapter, or ch11 or 12. I definitely didn't get to chapter 13 or 14.
As I said in my initial comment, until that scene happened I was immersed in the story, and barely noticed the chapter markers. Once that scene played out, I clicked out of the game and uninstalled it, because the story was ruined for me at that point.
Awww maaannn......does this mean that if I'm in relationship with Ruby then i can't be with Grace? That sucks. Does this mean i have to play all the way from the beginning and avoid being with Ruby so Grace can be a thing?
What you say is not true, you can be with Grace and still have a relationship with Ruby. In fact, you cannot avoid a relationship with Ruby, she is the only girl in the game you cannot refuse.
You're very welcome, btw sorry for interrupting with this kind of question I am very much beginner macOS user. Still trying to solve anything by myself. :(
On Chapter 7 at the moment. It is fantastic so far. Good story, interesting characters, fantastic pacing (which I often find missing in these games). At first, I thought, meh, living agian, OK, seen that before but I have to admit this is done really well. I particularly like that (so far) Paul's family isn't the sterotypical whiny lonely mother and rude sister. That alone is a relief. So many tropes are just boring. Also, I am enjoying that the mc does really seem to care (I know, it is a fantasy, some choices are not). That is also enjoyable. So anyway, I hope it continues that way. Thanks.
You have to be just friends with Emma but not in a romantic relationship with her to unlock that scene. That's what happens that night in the cabin, but only with Ruby, not with the two girls.
the Vagina cannot be rubbed thru clothes, shaved, or be rubbed against you, it's inside, the outside is the Pussy, lips or whatever you want to call it, but it's certainly not the Vagina
Wtf... are you Autistic or something? Or is English not your first language?
In English, in common parlance, "vagina" is used to refer to the ENTIRE Female private area. No one separates each individual part of the vagina when talking about it. Also you're wrong about the term "Pussy"...... "Pussy" is simply a colloqualism for "Vagina". They are synonymous(they mean the exact same thing)
In "common parlance", "literally" means both "literally" and "not literally". "Common parlance" has become a joke of a language used by idiots who don't actually speak English. In English, a cat won't ever be a dog no matter how many confused people use the wrong word.
And no, "vagina" specifically refers to the flesh tunnel between vulva and cervix. A penis is not a scrotum, a vulva is not a vagina. Get some basic sex ed, for fuck's sake.
This is an interesting idea but it's not my cup of tea. I'm one of the many thats not into the incestuous bit. So if you like it, go for it because this game is right up your alley.
I always notice that certain items or locations get used in other AVN's. For instance, the kitchen in Young Again is the same kitchen used in Halfway House. The travelling bag used by one of the girls to go on the workplace holiday is used in Welcome to Free Will. The rug in Emma's bedroom is the same rug in the living room in My New Memories. There's numerous other examples littered throughout the various AVN's.
It's as if the dev's are dropping the hint that they're linked and working for the same group of pornographers. I suspect the little hats, especially given that many say English isn't their first language, and they're also the ones predominantly pushing porn in the West.
Dawg get your tinfoil hat off, they're just buying the same assets or using the same free ones. Most of these devs are coders and storytellers, not artists.
That's correct. At least I tried to customize the characters to make them unique, but as for landscapes or apartments, there aren't many options to choose from, so it's quite possible that another developer uses the same ones.
Did I offend your delicate sensibilities? It's simply a statement of fact that jews are predominantly the ones pushing porn in the Western world. If you project anymore, a hook nose just might give you a pat on the head of validation
I made a statement of fact, hence I'm not sorry for stating the truth. The Jews are the ones predominantly pushing porn in the Western world. They own the porn industry, just as they do with Hollywood, big tech and have a sizable influence over Wall St and the American federal government.
Btw, I don't need to masturbate, as I have a wife. Try not to project your need onto me or others.
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Next date of new chapter?
This friday is the early release, there are only 3 days left for the new chapter!
(the public and free version will be available 15 days after the launching of the early release)
Hell yeah!
Savefile from season 1 is nowhere to be found, were is it stored? Also, I am having an issue unlocking scene that comes after the "Photos" and before "Zoes game" items in the scene gallery (first item om second row on the second page)
What is the scene and what am I missing?
It's difficult to find good walk through pdfs for this game!
the MC is clearly watching the sequel Aliens (James Cameron, 1986) and NOT Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979) like he says :D
Literally unplayable.
What is the problem? You can't start the game?
Haha, several people have told me about this mistake. I like that you pay attention to all the details.
when in installed and finish the season 2, i came back to the season 1 and realize that all my unlocked gallery is now locked again. is it supposed to be like dat?
Can I delete the file of the season 1 if I already finished the newest update of season 2 chapter 5 or will it delete some of the data from season 1 for season 2?
If you already have a Season 2 save file, you no longer need the Season 1.
Oh, I also noticed a mistake in the last scene. There is a shot where if you're not on the Emma path, she is still in the last part of the scene on the up close of the climax.
Thanks a lot for report it! I will fix it in the next release.
I enjoy this game. I just can't get behind the Natalie scenes. It also seems like she was made to look way older than I think she's supposed to be. If her and Anna are both in their 40's, she didn't age well. How old is she supposed to be anyhow?
When the game starts and we are still Paul, he mentions that he got married at 38. If his children are 18 we can assume that both Paul (if he were still alive) and Natalie are in their 50's now
It's been so long. I forgot. That's hella late to be having kids, but then again, worked for Weird Al
You gonna do a season 3? Pls do
What girls can you be with in this game besides Emma?
dope game hope you do keep doin more wit it
As soon as I started playing this game, I was hooked, and kept on playing until Emma and Ruby tried to frame the MC as a sex offender for having the audacity to be better than them at sports, and he finds it endearing. I lost complete interest. Up until then, I had been eagerly anticipating the next turn of events, and as soon as that happened, I was clicking out of the game.
You have been nothing but a nice guy to these bitches, and they seriously try to frame you as a sex offender?! Nope, not interested in being the slave to evil, sadistic, spoiled bitches, even in a game. Had there been an option for the MC to let these bitches know that framing a guy for a felony because you're jealous he's better than you at sports, is NOT a valid retaliation, and if any of them ever want to have any relationship with MC again, they had better make it up to MC, I might have kept my interest, but the MC barely even mentions it to these bitches, and has forgiven them even before he is out of danger of being imprisoned for years thanks to their evil, sadistic, spoiled natures. He even rewards them for it!
Too bad, it was an enjoyable game up until that point, but trying to frame someone as a sex offender as revenge for losing at sports, is not an acceptable behaviour, not even in a game, and it should have major impact on the story, not be portrayed as 'just cutesy-girly-teasing" and rewarded. IRL, MC could be facing up to 20 years in prison, be forced to register as a sex offender, and basically have his entire life ruined before he turns 20, simply because some bitches were jealous of being beaten at sports. Yes, it is a game, it is a fantasy, but when several of the characters try to frame you as a sex offender, even in a fantasy, it should have major consequences for the story, and your relationship(s) with those who did it, not just be a minor incident.
I don't remember any of this actually happening in the game, so you either mixed up the story of another game or you interpreted things in a different way than I meant.
The only thing I can think of is the pool scene, where the girls take off his swimming trunks as a joke, but it has nothing to do with being better at sports. In any case, if our protagonist had been in trouble, the girls would have confessed that it was their fault. They would never wish anything bad for the protagonist
Yeah, that scene is kind of iffy. I remember it being close to a dealbreaker.
The girls' complete lack of consideration for the consequences he might face is quite offputting and cost them a lot of sympathy. Whether they intentionally put him at risk or just didn't care to think about how their actions might affect him makes little difference, both are revolting.
Even if you ignore the possibility of being mistaken as sex offender, they forcefully exposed him in public against his will. That's sexual assault, along with a number of other offenses. This is made worse by the fact he would not get away with such behavior. I can't really see a way to justify that even if they were to "fess up" about their involvement.
You can't blame him for evaluating the scene based on the events that objectively happen. If anything, you misjudged the severity of that "joke", and did not manage to strike the tone you were trying to. That scene might be worth reevaluating.
I remember getting to Chapter 10, but I don't remember if the scene in the pool at the gym where Emma and Ruby try to frame you as a sex offender happens in that chapter, or ch11 or 12. I definitely didn't get to chapter 13 or 14.
As I said in my initial comment, until that scene happened I was immersed in the story, and barely noticed the chapter markers. Once that scene played out, I clicked out of the game and uninstalled it, because the story was ruined for me at that point.
all I hear is yapping for no reason.
WTF are you talking about that never happens in this game.
I really think you got your games mixed up.
This is the most unrelatable, cool-story-bro tl;dr Ive ever read on itch.
Zargon, you're games based. Don't mind the concern trolls. Keep'em coming man.
Awww maaannn......does this mean that if I'm in relationship with Ruby then i can't be with Grace? That sucks. Does this mean i have to play all the way from the beginning and avoid being with Ruby so Grace can be a thing?
What you say is not true, you can be with Grace and still have a relationship with Ruby. In fact, you cannot avoid a relationship with Ruby, she is the only girl in the game you cannot refuse.
If we can still be with Grace then its all good mate, It looked like Grace was no longer interested once she knew that mc and Ruby were a thing
How do you enter the Gallery Password in season 2?
You can type it or copy and paste it from the text file .
for chapters 1-14 I am having an error in macOS M1 Sonoma says: the developer cannot be verified "macOS cannot verify this app is free from malware"
Okay I found the way. For the ones have the same problem just control + click the app and POW the app will start after asking "you sure bro"
Thanks, I didn't know that =)
You're very welcome, btw sorry for interrupting with this kind of question I am very much beginner macOS user. Still trying to solve anything by myself. :(
Any plans on getting this on steam?
Unfortunately, this is impossible. This game contains some elements that are incompatible with Steam's guidelines.
pregnancy planned? multiple solo Li rotes/endings?
Pregnancy is definitely on the agenda. And as for endings, there will be several, depending on the path you choose, although I'm not sure how many.
Awesome, thank you!
On Chapter 7 at the moment. It is fantastic so far. Good story, interesting characters, fantastic pacing (which I often find missing in these games). At first, I thought, meh, living agian, OK, seen that before but I have to admit this is done really well. I particularly like that (so far) Paul's family isn't the sterotypical whiny lonely mother and rude sister. That alone is a relief. So many tropes are just boring. Also, I am enjoying that the mc does really seem to care (I know, it is a fantasy, some choices are not). That is also enjoyable. So anyway, I hope it continues that way. Thanks.
Hello, can you do a French translation, thank you.
Hi, unfortunately I don't speak French, but I've seen an unofficial French translation on some forums, made by some fans.
Ok, I'll look at that, thanks.
My favorite vn! Thanks Zargon.
Newbie who just signed up. GREAT content. Looking forward to YA updates. Tks
are you planning on putting the game one stearm
Not really, I should have to make a lot of changes for it to be accepted on that platform, and we would lose the whole essence of the game.
Try GOG :)
Not much competition there.
When is the next part coming out i can't wait any longer xD
We have no confirmed date yet, but plan to release it next month.
I can't get the last scene in Chapter 4 of season 2. Found out it is called Ruby 8. Any clues?
You have to be just friends with Emma but not in a romantic relationship with her to unlock that scene. That's what happens that night in the cabin, but only with Ruby, not with the two girls.
ok so, the Father of Emma saved me and died, and Emma never talks about this ? sure.
Yes Boi!
the Vagina cannot be rubbed thru clothes, shaved, or be rubbed against you, it's inside, the outside is the Pussy, lips or whatever you want to call it, but it's certainly not the Vagina
yeah but uh *erm actully* moment
can you please just explain what you mean ?? in proper english without typos ?
you will not never have pleasure of that right
Labia maybe........??
i like that one :-) my point is that the author uses vagina when he means labia, pussy etc, it's just weird.
Wtf... are you Autistic or something? Or is English not your first language?
In English, in common parlance, "vagina" is used to refer to the ENTIRE Female private area. No one separates each individual part of the vagina when talking about it. Also you're wrong about the term "Pussy"...... "Pussy" is simply a colloqualism for "Vagina". They are synonymous(they mean the exact same thing)
In "common parlance", "literally" means both "literally" and "not literally". "Common parlance" has become a joke of a language used by idiots who don't actually speak English. In English, a cat won't ever be a dog no matter how many confused people use the wrong word.
And no, "vagina" specifically refers to the flesh tunnel between vulva and cervix. A penis is not a scrotum, a vulva is not a vagina. Get some basic sex ed, for fuck's sake.
Do anyone know how to get the Zoe 4 in season one
Can't wait for the next chapter!
This is an interesting idea but it's not my cup of tea. I'm one of the many thats not into the incestuous bit. So if you like it, go for it because this game is right up your alley.
Is it possible to have a harem with most(or all) the women? Or is the main romantic route between 3 main women?
Is they an end you have in mind for YA or is this an open project?
Good Game 👍
More Natalie when?
There's a few scenes I'm missing from season one, not sure who they are with. Between Anna 2 and Ruby 3, between the trio 1 and Roxy 1. And after Roxy
Is it possible to create a harem here?
Quick question: pregnancy?
Not yet, but there are some hints in the story that this could happen in the future.
preferably with a switch to disable it
🫂 It's not for everyone.
I always notice that certain items or locations get used in other AVN's. For instance, the kitchen in Young Again is the same kitchen used in Halfway House. The travelling bag used by one of the girls to go on the workplace holiday is used in Welcome to Free Will. The rug in Emma's bedroom is the same rug in the living room in My New Memories. There's numerous other examples littered throughout the various AVN's.
It's as if the dev's are dropping the hint that they're linked and working for the same group of pornographers. I suspect the little hats, especially given that many say English isn't their first language, and they're also the ones predominantly pushing porn in the West.
Dawg get your tinfoil hat off, they're just buying the same assets or using the same free ones. Most of these devs are coders and storytellers, not artists.
That's correct. At least I tried to customize the characters to make them unique, but as for landscapes or apartments, there aren't many options to choose from, so it's quite possible that another developer uses the same ones.
Did I offend your delicate sensibilities? It's simply a statement of fact that jews are predominantly the ones pushing porn in the Western world. If you project anymore, a hook nose just might give you a pat on the head of validation
Eww imagine blaming another Race rather than admitting your wrong and saying sorry
Why dont you masturbate already
So you can get Nut clarity
Cus with your personality thats the only thing you can do
Also unlike the dude that made the game he probably made a lot more people happy than you ever will
I made a statement of fact, hence I'm not sorry for stating the truth. The Jews are the ones predominantly pushing porn in the Western world. They own the porn industry, just as they do with Hollywood, big tech and have a sizable influence over Wall St and the American federal government.
Btw, I don't need to masturbate, as I have a wife. Try not to project your need onto me or others.